Neo-VO is a case study in Enterprise Architecture. The subject is a public sector organisation known as the Valuation Office Agency. Below is more about the author, the subject and the site’s content.


The author is an employee of HMRC’s Valuation Office Agency (VOA) since 1990. His experiences, intellect and self propelled desire to contribute have caused him to make and assemble the contents of this site.


The Modern Valuation Office is a public sector “Next Steps” Delivery Agency since the early 1990s. The VOA is comprised of c3,500 “Officers” appointed under Section 2 of the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005. The VOA is a “property centric” entity and has an annual footprint of c£200m. Read more →


Except where not so, all contents of this site are original works made by the site owner in the course of his private activities, notwithstanding that the works, or any parts thereof, may be utilised in the course of the author’s employment.


All contents of this site not originally made by the site owner, are strictly and only comprised of publicly available material, acknowledged, accessed and utilised in compliance with all relevant laws and licencing. No content constitutes an unlawful disclosure, protected or otherwise.


Any Officer of the Subject may utilise any of the Author’s Original Works published amongst this site’s content. ‘Utilised’ means refer to, derive from or found upon. Such Officer’s may do so only whilst appointed, and only in the course of their appointment. All other site contents are subject to the relevant laws and licencing applying to the rightholders concerned.


The highly commended method the author uses to make and assemble Neo VO site content is Sheer Common Sense. Content organisation synergously conforms to The Open Group Architecture Framework. The framework is populated from the author’s experience and intellect, greatly enhanced by the people he has been fortunate enough to routinely work with.


Whitchurch, Tavistock, Devon, England, Great Britain, United Kingdom